How to Train Your Brain to Achieve All Your Goals

How to Train Your Brain to Achieve All Your Goals

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We talk about goals often at the beginning of the year and then too often don’t think about them again till December when the year is coming to an end.

Which doesn’t give us much time to right things before the new year begins. So let us break that bad cycle this year and go over our goals earlier find out where we have succeeded, what needs more work and where we should focus our attention for the rest of the year to end this year the best that we can.

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1 Get clear on your top goals

While you may have quite a few things in your mind that you would like to accomplish or achieve by the end of the year. It is only six months so it may not be possible to get them all done.

It seems much more likely to give you success if you focus on just a couple of top goals. Work towards achieving these first goals and then if there is still time left in the year move on to working on other goals.

Don’t set yourself up for not succeeding by having ten goals you are trying to work on in the next six months. You then may end up spreading yourself too thin between them.

Then when December arrives you realize you have been working a little on a lot of things but nothing was finished.

When you have big goals you want to achieve you need to be focused so that you can accomplish the goals. Whether your goal is to get promoted, grow your business, lose weight or learn a new skill.

Pick your top goal or two and get to work on getting them achieved. So that you can look back in January and know that you accomplished great things the year before.

2. Learn to say no to what isn’t important to you

Time is going to go by quickly and how much you are able to get accomplished and achieved really depends on you. If you feel like you have way too much going on and you just don’t have the time to go after your goals.

You need to start saying no.

I understand that saying no can be scary. You want to do everything and you don’t want to disappoint people, especially people you care about. But, if you want to get your goals achieved and make your dreams happen you need to focus on what is really important to you.

Most of the time we worry so much about disappointing people when the truth id that they would actually want the best for us. Just like we want the best for them.

So stop feeling selfish and commit to yourself by only saying yes when you want to and not all the time because you feel you have to.

3. Schedule both your goal date and time to work on your goals

When it comes to achieving your goal you will be more successful if you set a clear time frame for when you want to get something done by.

If you just say I want to lose 10 pounds you probably won’t lose it. On the other hand, if you say I want to lose 10 pounds by my birthday which is in 3 months you have a much better chance of succeeding.

Once you give yourself an end date this will allow you to break up your goal into smaller more doable pieces. For my blog, I want to update both of my ebooks to relaunch them in 2020.

So I need both books updated and ready by January. So for August-October 15, I’m working on one book. Then October 16-December I’m working on book number 2.

Each week I will give myself tasks to do that will move me closer to my goal.

If you have a big goal to hit by the new year. I really hope you do. First set that goal to get it done by a specific date maybe December 31 but maybe earlier.

Then start breaking up that goal into smaller pieces so you can get it done!

If you really want to be successful and get your goal accomplished you need to commit your time and energy to work on that goal.

No matter your goal I suggest you spend at least 30 minutes a day working towards achieving what you want to accomplish.

Whether your goal is health-related, relationships, finances, work, creativity, etc. Take 30 minutes a day for you to work on your goals and dreams.

4. Set up some accountability

It is so important to me that you do achieve your goals in the next few months. I want you to look back on the past year as an amazing year that was such a success.

To have the best odds of getting things done and achieving your goals it will make a big difference if you set up some accountability.

Whether you think you need it or not it really helps just about everyone if they are accountable to others. This can mean that you ask your partner or a family member to help you work on your goals.

Open up about what you are hoping to achieve and when by. Then ask them if they can check in with you occasionally to make sure you are on track and doing what you need to do to be successful.

This is what is so great about the mastermind I’m a part of for blogging. We had to share our big blog goal for this year and knowing that it’s public and I’ve shared it with others makes me so much more determined to get what I need to do done.

I know that you can do this and that your goals and dreams can be achieved by the end of the year.

I’m hoping that these tips can get you feeling more confident about what you can do and achieve. Just know that I’m doing it too. I have some big goals that I’m working on and looking to accomplish by the end of this year.

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